hi Sam, I hope you are

doing well. I finally subscribed at Issue24. The advantage of being late is there is a large back-catalogue to enjoy.

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@Frank: Great to hear from you. And don't worry, you're not late. I've only just started exploring cross-posting this to LinkedIn now that a) I've got a back catalogue and b) I've managed to published for 24 weeks straight. 😅

Any feedback or ideas for future issues would be most welcome!

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I used to read game manuals, too, while others wanted to "figure it out" as they went along.

I miss those manuals too. I liked holding the physical copies in my hands. They were so colourful and well-made, themselves. They were often works of art, too.

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@Alvin: Yeah - they were awesome. If you want to relive, virtually, some of those old manuals, then https://www.gamesdatabase.org is a good resource.

I just found the 145 page manual for Maxis' A-Train game that I had completely forgotten about!

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